27 Things People In L.A. Love Talking About

    1. Earthquakes.

    27 Things People In L.A. Love Talking About
    KTLA / Via reddit.com
    The only time the phrase “Did you feel it?” has zero sexual connotations.

    2. Traffic.

    Complaining about how much time you spent in traffic is like a weird form of bragging in L.A.

    3. Kale.

    It’s not just glorified lettuce, IT’S A RELIGION.

    4. Juice cleanses.

    Because it also burns calories to talk about your diet.

    5. Where they went hiking this weekend.

    Because being fit isn’t enough; you also have to talk about how you’re on that healthy grind too.

    6. Yoga.

    27 Things People In L.A. Love Talking About
    Universal Pictures / Via huffingtonpost.tumblr.com
    Typical points of conversation: What studio do you go to? Is your instructor hot? Where do you go for brunch after?

    7. Or whatever new fitness craze they’re trying out.

    Because who wants to just run or lift weights?

    8. Coachella.

    Either they’re SO EXCITED TO GO TO COACHELLA or they’re just excited everyone else is leaving and the city will be empty.

    9. Directions

    NBC / Via quickmeme.com
    This is L.A., you can’t just go from Point A to Point B, silly!

    10. And then also shortcuts.

    27 Things People In L.A. Love Talking About
    Columbia Pictures / Via giphy.com
    A true hero passes on their shortcuts to their friends.

    11. The “weather.”

    Over 80 is too hot, under 65 is too cold, and if it rains, it’s practically Armageddon in L.A. because people here cannot handle even a drizzle.

    12. Celebrities, but casually.

    Unlike plebeians from other cities, you can’t actually get excited about seeing a real, live celebrity. Instead, you casually drop their name in conversation in a total humblebrag move like you actually know them.

    13. Scientology, but in a hushed voice.

    27 Things People In L.A. Love Talking About
    Paramount Pictures / Via lestatscherie.tumblr.com

    14. Toyota Priuses, whether they drive one or not.

    Half the city drives one, and the other half still has a very strong opinion on them.

    15. Organic food.

    What, like you weren’t going to buy organic?

    16. Their dogs.

    27 Things People In L.A. Love Talking About
    Bravo / Via brokegifs.tumblr.com
    People in L.A. treat their dogs better than their friends, family, and even themselves.

    17. Where they went to brunch this weekend.

    27 Things People In L.A. Love Talking About
    Warner Bros. / Via noyoureoutoforder.tumblr.com
    Because like, no one spends the entire weekend hiking, obvi.

    18. Gossiping about mutual friends.

    27 Things People In L.A. Love Talking About

    19. Whatever creative project they’re working on.

    Literally 90% of people are “working” on a screenplay, novel, or maybe even some fingerpainting because this is the ~ city of dreams ~.

    20. Going to Vegas.

    27 Things People In L.A. Love Talking About
    Katy Perry Vevo / Via popmusicgifs.tumblr.com
    What happens in Vegas comes back to L.A.

    21. What neighborhood they live in.

    27 Things People In L.A. Love Talking About
    Columbia Pictures / Via piperelizabeths.tumblr.com
    It’s a badge of pride and kind of a big deal around here.

    22. How far away the beach is.

    27 Things People In L.A. Love Talking About
    Lana Del Rey Vevo / Via thehaberdash.com
    Like, 10 miles. But no one ever actually goes as much as they want because that involves fighting traffic.

    23. Sports.

    27 Things People In L.A. Love Talking About
    Basically, you either talk about who is winning (looking at you, Clippers and Kings) OR you talk about how you don’t care about sports at all.

    24. Where they are from originally.

    Where they are from originally.
    Ethan Miller / Getty Images
    Because practically no one is ACTUALLY from L.A., finding a native of the city is pretty much like finding a unicorn.

    25. Parking.

    Usually involves complaining about how far away they had to park OR bragging about how they snagged an amazing space.

    26. Where they go grocery shopping.

    Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, or GTFO.

    27. And finally, how L.A. is WAY better than New York.

    27 Things People In L.A. Love Talking About
    Source URL: http://dreamingjer.blogspot.com/2014/06/27-things-people-in-la-love-talking.html
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