22 Things Only People Who Suck At Cooking Will Understand

    1. You have literally no idea what to bring when you get invited to a potluck dinner.

    You have literally no idea what to bring when you get invited to a potluck dinner.
    You are usually the person who brings alcohol and chips.

    2. Your freezers are always stuffed with frozen dinners.

    Your freezers are always stuffed with frozen dinners.
    Yeah, yeah, you shouldn’t be eating all those frozen dinners, but what else are you going to eat? Burnt things?

    3. And the only thing in your fridge is takeout leftovers and alcohol.

    And the only thing in your fridge is takeout leftovers and alcohol.

    4. That’s because your three main food groups are cereal, sandwiches, and noodles you can cook in a microwave.

    That's because your three main food groups are cereal, sandwiches, and noodles you can cook in a microwave.
    Via imgur.com

    5. You sometimes buy fresh produce out of guilt, and then guiltily watch as it all expires in your fridge.

    You sometimes buy fresh produce out of guilt, and then guiltily watch as it all expires in your fridge.

    6. If you cannot cook it in the microwave, you are probably not going to cook it.

    If you cannot cook it in the microwave, you are probably not going to cook it.
    Via imgur.com

    7. You’re a genius at putting things on the stove or in the oven and then completely forgetting about them.

    You're a genius at putting things on the stove or in the oven and then completely forgetting about them.
    Via imgur.com

    8. You actually hate frozen pizza, because it is all the stress of cooking with none of the convenience of ordering pizza.

    You actually hate frozen pizza, because it is all the stress of cooking with none of the convenience of ordering pizza.
    Some ovens just want to watch frozen pizza burn.

    9. When you buy something frozen, and you realize it CAN’T be cooked in the microwave and must go in the oven, you feel like you have been tricked.

    When you buy something frozen, and you realize it CAN'T be cooked in the microwave and must go in the oven, you feel like you have been tricked.
    Via imgur.com

    10. Your smoke detectors are always covered with something.

    Your smoke detectors are always covered with something.
    Via imgur.com
    Or you’ve just completely given up and pulled the batteries out.

    11. You will never admit this, but you do not really understand why some foods cook at 375 degrees, and some foods cook at 425 degrees.

    You will never admit this, but you do not really understand why some foods cook at 375 degrees, and some foods cook at 425 degrees.
    Via imgur.com
    Can’t there just be one temperature, like with the microwave?

    12. Everything you’ve ever made involving eggs has little bits of shell in it.

    22 Things Only People Who Suck At Cooking Will Understand
    Via giphy.com

    13. You have accidentally melted at least one piece of plastic on your stove.

    You have accidentally melted at least one piece of plastic on your stove.
    Via memes.com
    And at least two in your dishwasher.

    14. You know better than to try and make anything off of Pinterest.

    You know better than to try and make anything off of Pinterest.
    You don’t deserve cupcakes.

    15. No one ever assigns you anything to make for Thanksgiving.

    No one ever assigns you anything to make for Thanksgiving.
    It’s just better that way.

    16. You honestly only know what half the things in your kitchen are used for.

    You honestly only know what half the things in your kitchen are used for.
    Why do people need wooden spoons? What are they even used for???

    17. The only two spices you have any sort of ability with are salt and pepper.

    22 Things Only People Who Suck At Cooking Will Understand
    Via giphy.com
    I don’t know what to do with you, cumin, I’M REALLY SORRY.

    18. You get really annoyed with cookbooks and/or people who just tell you to “follow the recipe.”

    22 Things Only People Who Suck At Cooking Will Understand
    Via giphy.com
    It’s the same as if you gave me a set of blueprints and then asked me to build a building.

    19. You never, ever remember to put cooking spray on the pan.

    22 Things Only People Who Suck At Cooking Will Understand
    Via imgur.com
    You shouldn’t be allowed near fire.

    20. Your kitchen is surprisingly clean… because you never actually use it to cook anything.

    Your kitchen is surprisingly clean... because you never actually use it to cook anything.

    21. When someone invites you over for dinner, you feel like you have been saved from a sinking ship.

    22 Things Only People Who Suck At Cooking Will Understand
    An actual home cooked meal for me? That isn’t poison?

    22. You talk to Grubhub and Seamless more than you talk to your own family.

    You talk to Grubhub and Seamless more than you talk to your own family.
    Via imgur.com
    And you are definitely always naked on the couch.
    Source URL: http://dreamingjer.blogspot.com/2014/06/22-things-only-people-who-suck-at.html
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